Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Time Issues

I am very much behind in my studies of the TAA units now, other tasks have been higher priorities.

Perhaps I am one of those learners who required 'real time' committments to prompt the research and preparation. I'd much prefer that there were 'chats' or 'web conferences' built in.

Right now I don't think I'm giving these units the time they require. Now I must consider what to do as I now need to pay my fees.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


TAA Units: First Impressions

Studying online again using WebCT has reminded me of the very linear and structured manner of learning content. It is a bunch of words on web pages with links, some scattered instructions to keep a journal, and to post to the discussion boards.

This model does not engage me at all - perhaps I'm more selective these days, but I want a module that brings me into contact with people and interactions to validate my own ideas and learning.

I find that I am only just touching the surface of the content and not really engaging with it, because it does not require me to DO much nor to interact with others. Perhaps I need to talk this through with some other learners and the tutors.

My preference is for some real voice and less of the asynchronous, self-paced learning that the modules have presented so far.

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